You could call scenesters accessory junkies. They like to stock up on all kinds a necklaces, rings, belts, over-sized glasses and anything else that will complete their outrageous look and wear tons of necklaces at the same time. The most popular kind jewelry is the cheap plastic and kitsch/vintage kind in bright colors, these can be found on tons of DIY stores around the internet. Hello Kitty and other cute character necklaces/pendants are almost essential. Looking at scene pictures, you'll also see:
  • Plastic diamond cut-out necklaces
  • Metal knuckle-duster pendants
  • Cute hair bows
  • Plastic chanel logo necklaces
  • Hearts, stars, etc.
  • Skull necklaces
  • Funky pins
  • Gun pendants
  • Studded belts
  • Chunky beads
  • + more.
They are so many original designs you can buy from stores, just use the search box to get what you're looking for.
Many scene kids also make their own accessories for a custom look.

Where to buy:
Diamond Cut-outs- The original series can be found at Kiki Kannibal's store but they are highly over-priced, she charges upto $73 for her plastic diamonds, cheaper versions can be found at DIY stores that sell plastic charm necklaces for $10
Assorted Accessories: GIRLPROPS [This would be your ultimate source for all sorts of accessories including jewelry, pins, bows, belts, etc.], Claire's and Hottopic.


Heather said...

Hi, my name is Heather and Im 13.
I REALLY want to be scene, but my parents are super strict, and won't let me dye my hair, wear makeup or get piercings.


Is there any chance that I will be scene?

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