Posted by
on Sunday, February 1, 2009
Piercing are another way to stand out of the crowd, but they are serious decision. You should only get a piercing because YOU want to, not because it's "cool" or your friends are pressurizing you to get one. Also remember that while body piercings are easy to hide with clothing, facial piercings are hard to cover and if you get one, you could be stuck with it for life. Some employers don't hire pierced staff, unless they can hide. This could make it hard for you to get a job. Make sure you research about the kind of piercing you want to have incase there's something important you need to know like the rejection rate, precautions, healing tips, etc.
Common Piercings among Scene Kids
Septum ring: A piercing that goes through the septum [the wall between your 2 nostrils]
Snakebites: Lower-lip piercings on both sides
Single Lip Piercing: Lower-lip piercing
Monroe: Piercing on one side of your upper lip [where marilyn monroe had here mole]
Hip Piercings: Surface piercing on near both hips.
Nose piercing: Piercing on ONE side of your nose
Belly Piercing: Navel Piercing
It's usually a maxium of 3 facial piercings before people start to think you're crazy, although some people who can pull it off get more [like the girl in the pic]. You do not have to have piercings to be "scene". Its also a good idea to get permission from your parents for your piercing or you could get into some serious shit.
Get your piercings done by a professional.
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